Saturday, February 17, 2007

Condoleezza Rice Seems To Think Dissent Is Undemocratic!

Does the White House get it? Does Condie Rice get it? Does anyone?
While addressing members of the Iraqi government today, Condoleezza Rice indicated that the ongoing debate in Washington over the war was because of the doubts that democracy would prevail of violence.
There is no way else to put this so if you have delicate sensibilities stop reading here, skip a line, and go on.
The White House can continue to spew all the rhetoric they want, they can declare the success of their ‘push’ in Baghdad, and sit in the circle stroking each other’s egos until doomsday but it will not change the facts.
Iraq is lost. We have achieved little more than destabilizing the region. We have lost thousands of US troops (more than the number indicated by the Pentagon) and we have demoralized the nation in the war against radical Islam.
I for one would like to thank Mr. Bush for not being able to see the forest for the twigs. Are military is thinner than saran wrap and after the big push in Baghdad the insurgents will group and start all over again.
Mission Accomplished!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Democrats: Quit Wasting Our Time!

Democrat, Republican, it would take a scanning electron microscope to see the differences in the two main parties of the US political system. Why do they waste our damned time with ‘non binding’ resolution? A non-binding resolution is like a Frenchman declaring war, it makes noise but does little else.
If the democrats want to show some real fortitude then they should keep Shrub from going to war with Iran. I doubt they have the gumption though, to close to ’08 and Rudy ‘Benito’ Guliani looks like too strong a contender to toy with.
I feel like Diogenes walking around in the daylight with a maglite looking for a politician with a set big enough to put a little weight behind something, anything. Of course, the few that do have any guts, Tom Coburn and Ted Kennedy, to actually challenge old Dub’ are so far out on the fringe that they have little or no chance of having an effect.
So, what hell? Is anyone going to try to stop President Bush from moving forward with his plans? Or, are we forced to sit back and watch our elected officials perform with the same mediocrity we’ve seen for the past 50 years.
The state of our elected government is unequivocally, repulsive.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Bush White House Draws Closer To War....

In 2003, George W. Bush presented his case to the American people, the United Nations, and the world in attempt to justify the imminent invasion of Iraq. In the weeks, leading up to the ill-conceived invasion the White House bombarded the media with all sorts of information creating the case for the war with that nation.
By the time US invasion had begun the large majority of Americans were convinced the war was justified. However, less than a year later the argument began to unravel. The release of critical information showing the fabrication of US pre-war intelligence led to the current suspicion most Americans have of the Bush White House.
Now, we are on the cusp of yet another conflict and the Bush White House is up to its old tricks. Anyone with half a brain can see the Bush administration is fabricating the case against Iran. This is not to say that Iran is innocent, no, the Iranian government has made clear its intent to wreak havoc in the region by pushing forward with a nuclear program that is no more peaceful than I am a Martian.
However, even the provocative action of developing nuclear weapons does not justify the United States striking the country. According to current intelligence estimates from the Central Intelligence Agency, Iran is at least three years from production of a thermonuclear weapon.
This is not to say the US should sit idly by and wait for Iran to develop weapons of mass destruction that would threaten not only the stability of the Middle East, but the world. No, the US should act, but we should have reacted long ago, before we were bogged down in Bush’s personal vendetta with Hussein. Nevertheless, action does not mean a swift invasion followed by involvement in yet another failed occupation. Yet, sanctions are not effective either. So, what is the US to do? Damned if we do and certainly damned if we don’t!
Therefore, what actions can we take without the entire world falling into world war? And, if the US engages Iran in a full-scale conflict it will very likely spread across the Middle East and eventually involve all of Central Asia.
The obvious choice would be to gain support in the global community for harsh economic sanctions, naval blockades, increased pressure from Russia and China, and to strangle the Iranian insurgency in Iraq. But, this would take time and the cooperation of the Iraqi people and Bush has less than two years in the White House therefore he must act quickly and decisively to achieve the corporate agenda.
So, within the next few months, likely before May, the US will charge headlong into war with Iran perhaps even using nuclear weapons, and ignoring the tempered response of more prudent strategists. I am not advocating the US rolling over for Teheran. No, we must show strength, but strength is not walking up to a known burglar and slugging him because he might steal from your house. Strength is preparedness and vigilance, strength is having the character measure your response. Thus far, the Bush White House has fallen short on all three. With that in mind, the White House’s assurances that we will not engage in war with Iran does very little to reassure me.

Friday, February 9, 2007

Iranian Sleeper Cells Danger To US!

The Unites States is once again on the path to war. And, like Iraq, we are grasping at straws for intelligence to bolster those claims. America will leave no rock overturned as we quietly seek away to get ourselves embroiled in yet another conflict.
However, unlike Iraq, the US will likely be forced to use tactical nuclear weapons to achieve our goals. With US conventional forces exhausted and near collapse, it will be necessary to use tac-nucs to achieve a quick ‘victory’.
What the US is not anticipating, or not telling the public, is that Iran has more sleeper cells in the US than Al Qaeda ever thought of having. Many of them brought in decades before 9/11. Groups such as Hezbollah, which are supported financially by the Iranian government, have filtered into the United States since the early 80’s.
While many of these groups have become ‘Americanized’ and inactive with no intent of acting on their decades old training, the more recent arrivals, brought to our country via the H1B visa, are like coiled vipers nestled under warm rocks waiting to strike out at us.
I do not support the invasion of Iran. The time for effective military action with Teheran has passed just as it has passed with North Korea. President Bush focused early on in the war on terror on settling old scores for ‘pop’ and not on the real Axis’s of evil. Now the window has passed.
I hope and pray the FBI, CIA, NSA, SS, ICE, and other DHS agencies can keep us relatively safe (with the confines of the law) as Bush charges forward with his grand folly.
God Bless America!

Anna Nicole Smith's Death Media Slight Of Hand!

The greatest magicians in the world are not doing shows with tigers on the Vegas strip. No, they are on our televisions beaming into our living rooms via CNN, Foxnews, and MSNBC. And, their greatest trick in recent memory is turning the death of a drug addicted marginal celebrity into a story worthy of 24 hour news coverage so that the Bush White House may prepare for the invasion of Iran in a relative media blackout.
If not for the internet granting us the ability to look at news sources from outside the mainstream corporate media the entire nation would be forced to open up and accept the shovel fulls of shit from talking heads who can no longer be described as journalists but rather propagandist. If not for news sources like the BBC and other far less noticeable sources, we the people would not be able to sift through the shill created by Time-Warner, Fox, and General Electric.
These consolidators of thought, are using the death of Anna Nicole Smith as a gambit to keep the ‘average’ American’s attention away from the failure of Iraq and the impending war with Iran. Ignorance is not bliss--- it is ignorance! American’s need to wake up and see the writing on the wall, your free press has been all but usurped from mainstream sources and most of the net is little more than a boondoggle of wild conspiracy theories and claptrap sponsored by the paranoid and the outright insane.
The New World Order is not being developed in secret! It is being developed in public forums, by marketers and research analysts. While many look for secret conspiracy groups such as the Illuminati and the Masons, the real thieves of our freedom, the multinationals, suck the life from America and doom us to a second tier existence.
Politicians are corrupt, corporate journalists are bought off, and the courts are packed with half-wits with little or no objectivity for the rule of law. Bush is not part of a secret cabal; he is a paid lobbyist for corporate interests, nothing more. He takes your freedoms not for a grand scheme of an anti-Christ, but for the corporate elite. And their only desire, to enslave us in a perpetual lifestyle of consumption and debt.
To break the cycle one only needs to open his or her eyes and stop pissing away money on things that DO NOT MATTER! Move away from the big city. Reject the Mcmansion, the five credit cards, and the big promotion. Start a business, trade on the net, develop a product, be a capitalist! Learn a skill that is in demand and exploit it. Stop wasting your time trying to make it into the world of the big shots and watch how quickly they dissolve.
Capitalism is not evil. Corporatistism, collectivism, fascism, and communism are the truth threats to freedom and liberty! Win by earning money outside of the corporate sweatshops. The world needs another lawyer like it needs another pop sing sensation! However, we need plumbers, nurses, and engineers. We need thinkers and problem solvers. We do not need more leeches looking to exploit the economy for a few shares of some overinflated mega-corporation.
If the corporate world did not manipulate and pervert capitalism the problems of the environment, health care, housing, and hunger would have been solved decades ago. Eisenhower warned us not to feed the true ‘beast’ the military industrial complex. Machines of war driving back our progress as a species so a few assholes can stay in power.
By rejecting the inherent evil of corporate slavery, fascism, and socialism, we the people can build a world that can travel to the stars, end hunger, war, and ignorance. It is time to evolve!

Thursday, February 8, 2007

New EU Environmental Laws Infringe On National Sovereignty.

Yesterday, the European Union announced plans to toughen penalties for violators of so called ‘green laws’---including stiffer penalties for ‘international’ violators. Citing a lack of uniformity in national laws, the EU commission stated, “fines for international violators could be as high as 750,000 Eu and 10 years in prison per offense.”
In a move hailed by Greenpeace and other radical environmental groups, the EU member nations voted to move a significant amount of prosecutorial power to the EU commission, essentially rousting the sovereignty of partner nations and taking the world one-step closer to the New World Order, the one world government model envisioned by the power elite.
This raises the question, is climate change being used as a means to control the populace? To justify destroying personal liberty and handing over yet more personal freedoms to regional governing bodies like the EU.
In examining the possibility, startling new questions are raised and even more startling are the possible conclusions to these scenarios as they play out right before our eyes. Humanity is entering a dangerous era. For the first time in the history of civilization, the powers that be have the ability to monitor almost every aspect of our existence. With each step down this slippery slope we move closer to an Orwellian future were are children are little more than low wage, techno slaves serving a very elite few while living a miserable existence brought on by our own hubris.
It is up to our generation, generation X, now generation X-communicated, to cast off the chains of our surveillance state, demand answers, and retake personal liberty. We know from the failed Soviet state and the dismal anti-utopia of North Korea that collectivism is not only a bad model of government but inherently evil. It, like the proto-fascist state the US is slowly slipping toward, is a fallacy, and we must arrest its development before cyclone wire and bars seal our children’s fates.
The future rests with us, those in the here and now, the people, the individual, the real Army of one. Americans and freedom lovers everywhere can win this battle and do so without every firing a shot.
We win by not giving in, by protesting oppression and tyranny in all its forms, by raising our fists against the despotism of shrewd dictators. To protect our freedom and the sovereignty of our lands, we must be willing to fight, not with guns and bombs but with words and thought.
Remember, as long as they cannot control your thoughts, you are free! In the mind, even the subjugated enjoy liberty. Freedom is!
[c]Jack Tatum

Animal Rescues----Dangerous To People!

It’s not that I don’t like animals. I have an Alaskan malamute I love dearly. However, I was a paramedic for 8 years and fortunately, I never had to rescue a pet although I did hold a five-year-old boy while he died.
The problem I have with pet rescues are the amount of fire, rescue, and EMS resources that are eaten up to rescue deer from frozen ponds, dogs from storm drains, and kittens from trees. When Fire and EMS are tied up with rescuing a horse from some pond in Rolling Hoof, Kentucky then they are out of service. And what happens if say you have a bus crash or a school shooting or your parent is having a heart attack and the emergency services for your entire town are out at the ‘crick’ rescuing ‘bambi’.
This is a serious issue and sorry folk’s humans win over people or at least they should. I would like all of you that worship at the throne PETA to stop and think of someone near and dear to you. Okay, you done? Now, think of this what if you had to choose say between your child and your cat---which would you choose.
If you said the cat please refer to the manual ‘one thousand and one ways to kill yourself---and get it right the first time’ the author, well me of course! There is a dangerous belief that has crept into the American conscience in the last decade that somehow a dog, or any animal for that matter, is as valuable as the life of a human is insane!
I for one call for people to fight PETA in all of its incarnations. Fight their legislative efforts, their grand lobby, and their boatload of wacko celebrities. I am not advocating being cruel to animals or letting endangered species slip into extinction but use some commonsense.
So, the next time you see Bambi about to go belly up in a river ask yourself---where might I be pulling precious emergency resources from? It might be from someone you love.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Too Late For War With Iran.....

The United States seems to be on a collision course with Iran. Despite claims to the contrary the Bush Administration seems to be hell bent on war with Iran. At present, there are two US carrier groups in the region and strategic bombers at the ready in Europe. People have been predicting the wars start for some time. However, several world events have prevented the Bush White House from moving forward with this cataclysmically stupid plan.
The first was the testing of a nuclear weapon by North Korea, followed by a sudden increase in tensions between Pakistan and India, and the Israeli-Lebanon conflict that occurred this past summer. Of course, Teheran likely manufactured the Israeli-Lebanon conflict to stave off invasion---at least for a few months.
Nevertheless, like that pair of tattered underwear that always seems to turn up in the laundry despite every effort to get rid of it, the US seems to continue to table military option with Iran. And truth is, prior to the Iraq invasion this would not have been all that bad of a plan. However, Bush and his cronies, in all their infinite wisdom have missed the window for this plan to work and in fact, it may just backfire on the White House and plunge the world into war.
I shudder at the thought of the United States in a full-scale war with Soviets and China. And do not delude yourselves, it could happen. The US is not the lone super power that Foxnews would have you believe. Militarily we are stretched as thin as a sheet of saran wrap.
Believe me, I love this country, but patriotism is not toeing the party line! We need to get our asses out of the Middle East and quit deluding ourselves that we are somehow keeping the terrorists off our soil by fighting in Iraq. The only reason terrorists have not hit us here in the US has been the hard work of the FBI, NSA, and CIA and the sheer grace of the cosmos! Not the action in Iraq as President Bush would have you believe.
I do not mean to sound like a bastard but, the fight for Iraq was window dressing to shore up Bush’s lack of domestic policies and failure to capture Bin Laden in the two years after 9/11.
Despite what Wall Street would have you believe, the economy is in shambles, our government is selling us out to Mexico, and the concepts of liberty are being replaced piecemeal with proto-fascism disguised as anti-terrorist legislation.
If we do not change the course we are on soon, we will be telling our grandchildren about the late, great United States of America.

Snickers Kiss Trumps News Of Child Ponography Bust!

The FBI is investigating 600 suspects in an online child pornography ring. A vigilant technician at a file hosting service in Austria alerted authorities to suspicious materials and recorded the IP addresses of those downloading from the site. This young man is a hero! This goes without saying, he had the presence of mind to gather evidence against the users. My hat’s off to him.
What this demonstrates is how one person can make a difference in the fight against online child pornography. But, what it also demonstrates is that the fight against child pornography is far from won. And it seems every time a major bust takes down a site another one springs up to replace it.
I don’t understand child molesters (I do not use the term pedophile it is too polite) and I am not going to delve into their psyches here. I am not an armchair psychologist. I am writing this blog entry to bring it to other people’s attention.
All too often, the subject of child pornography is brushed over by the press, a 30 second blurb on CNN or Fox, followed by a 10 minute in depth look at Britney Spears and Kevin Federline’s break up. Americans and people around the world have a duty to be as vigilant as the young man in Austria was. People should donate to organizations such as the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. However, we also have a duty to admonish the media for its lack of coverage on the subject.
Take for example, today’s news of the Austrian bust, it was brushed over by CNN, but the “snickers kiss” controversy has been covered ad nauseam. Who cares? So, some homosexuals were offended---what does not offend the homosexual community? I am not against gays, I watched Will and Grace with my wife all the time, thought it was great!
However, child pornography is a much bigger issue than a segment of the gay community being angered by some damn commercial.
So, what can we do? Well, I am emailing CNN to tell them how little I care about “the snickers kiss” and how concerned I am as a parent about child pornography. Therefore, I ask everyone that reads this entry today to take the time to email CNN and other news outlets and insist more time be given to this issue. More coverage might not stamp out the scourge of child pornography lurking in cyberspace but it will certainly put more pressure on those who distribute, manufacture, and download this filth.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Welcome To The Punch Drunk Pundit!

When I started ‘The Cynical Psychic’ I needed relief from the day-to-day grind of being a stressed out, self-employed husband and father. A way to break up the daily grind of life as a husband to a CVICU RN and college student (she is pursuing a BS in Math and her pre-med prerequisites), father to a youth wrestler and cub scout, and consultant to an industry that does not suffer fools (I am a former paramedic and now consult on communications and logistics systems for emergency management.) With so much already on my plate it would seem the last thing I would want to do would be to put my energy into another endeavor. Well, just call me a glutton for punishment.
So, why did you start the Cynical Psychic? That’s easy enough answer. I wanted to voice my opinion about the state of our Nation and pontificate on any subject that popped in my head without coming off as yet another college educated, would be know it all jerk that thought his or her poop smelled like honey and roses. The type of blogger that spends hours working on SEO and keyword search optimization so everyone goes to their blog and hears their self-important diatribes about the environment, the economy, and that all too easy target the government. (Some people think far too highly of themselves, I on the other hand know my place, I am reasonably well read, somewhat articulate hillbilly, and know that my opinion is worth no more than the next persons---but also no less either. Sort like journalists used to be when they could see more than one side of an issue.)
When I started my first blog, I did not expect it to have any readers, it was a means to relax. And I only put up the Adbrite ads on the Cynical Psychic so that on the off chance that I might score a few bucks here and there if anyone who happened to be reading my blog felt like clicking on ‘ten ways to a better love life’. I also did not anticipate moving to the top of Yahoo and Google search engines in a matter of weeks. Or to have over a hundred visitors to my blog in less than two weeks.( I use no SEO software. But, you can type in cynical psychic on Google or Yahoo and I am number three---I think.)
It was this situation, which led me to my current dilemma, I have had several e-mails from readers of my other blog suggesting I break up my serious opinions and comical rants. So the question arose, do I change the tempo of the Cynical Psychic from its satirical tone, or do I start another blog and continue to use Cynical Psychic as a medium (pun intended) to crack wise about the vagaries of the pseudo-sciences of psychic prediction and astrology?
The answer for me was obvious--- start a second blog. Therefore, I am pleased to welcome my readers to the Punch Drunk Pundit. My second attempt at blogging.
Here I intend to apply a professional tone to my blog, a more serious tenor for the more staid topics on my mind. So, if you are looking for wiseass remarks on the state of Lindsay Lohan’s lack of undergarments. Or the universe of idiocy that seems to surround Paris Hilton might I suggestion heading back to the Cynical Psychic for a good laugh. However, if you are interested on my libertarian-minded take on current events, politics, religion, and business then welcome aboard. If you clicked here by mistake, stick around or at least click on an ad so I can make a penny off you.