Sunday, February 11, 2007

Bush White House Draws Closer To War....

In 2003, George W. Bush presented his case to the American people, the United Nations, and the world in attempt to justify the imminent invasion of Iraq. In the weeks, leading up to the ill-conceived invasion the White House bombarded the media with all sorts of information creating the case for the war with that nation.
By the time US invasion had begun the large majority of Americans were convinced the war was justified. However, less than a year later the argument began to unravel. The release of critical information showing the fabrication of US pre-war intelligence led to the current suspicion most Americans have of the Bush White House.
Now, we are on the cusp of yet another conflict and the Bush White House is up to its old tricks. Anyone with half a brain can see the Bush administration is fabricating the case against Iran. This is not to say that Iran is innocent, no, the Iranian government has made clear its intent to wreak havoc in the region by pushing forward with a nuclear program that is no more peaceful than I am a Martian.
However, even the provocative action of developing nuclear weapons does not justify the United States striking the country. According to current intelligence estimates from the Central Intelligence Agency, Iran is at least three years from production of a thermonuclear weapon.
This is not to say the US should sit idly by and wait for Iran to develop weapons of mass destruction that would threaten not only the stability of the Middle East, but the world. No, the US should act, but we should have reacted long ago, before we were bogged down in Bush’s personal vendetta with Hussein. Nevertheless, action does not mean a swift invasion followed by involvement in yet another failed occupation. Yet, sanctions are not effective either. So, what is the US to do? Damned if we do and certainly damned if we don’t!
Therefore, what actions can we take without the entire world falling into world war? And, if the US engages Iran in a full-scale conflict it will very likely spread across the Middle East and eventually involve all of Central Asia.
The obvious choice would be to gain support in the global community for harsh economic sanctions, naval blockades, increased pressure from Russia and China, and to strangle the Iranian insurgency in Iraq. But, this would take time and the cooperation of the Iraqi people and Bush has less than two years in the White House therefore he must act quickly and decisively to achieve the corporate agenda.
So, within the next few months, likely before May, the US will charge headlong into war with Iran perhaps even using nuclear weapons, and ignoring the tempered response of more prudent strategists. I am not advocating the US rolling over for Teheran. No, we must show strength, but strength is not walking up to a known burglar and slugging him because he might steal from your house. Strength is preparedness and vigilance, strength is having the character measure your response. Thus far, the Bush White House has fallen short on all three. With that in mind, the White House’s assurances that we will not engage in war with Iran does very little to reassure me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.