Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Welcome To The Punch Drunk Pundit!

When I started ‘The Cynical Psychic’ I needed relief from the day-to-day grind of being a stressed out, self-employed husband and father. A way to break up the daily grind of life as a husband to a CVICU RN and college student (she is pursuing a BS in Math and her pre-med prerequisites), father to a youth wrestler and cub scout, and consultant to an industry that does not suffer fools (I am a former paramedic and now consult on communications and logistics systems for emergency management.) With so much already on my plate it would seem the last thing I would want to do would be to put my energy into another endeavor. Well, just call me a glutton for punishment.
So, why did you start the Cynical Psychic? That’s easy enough answer. I wanted to voice my opinion about the state of our Nation and pontificate on any subject that popped in my head without coming off as yet another college educated, would be know it all jerk that thought his or her poop smelled like honey and roses. The type of blogger that spends hours working on SEO and keyword search optimization so everyone goes to their blog and hears their self-important diatribes about the environment, the economy, and that all too easy target the government. (Some people think far too highly of themselves, I on the other hand know my place, I am reasonably well read, somewhat articulate hillbilly, and know that my opinion is worth no more than the next persons---but also no less either. Sort like journalists used to be when they could see more than one side of an issue.)
When I started my first blog, I did not expect it to have any readers, it was a means to relax. And I only put up the Adbrite ads on the Cynical Psychic so that on the off chance that I might score a few bucks here and there if anyone who happened to be reading my blog felt like clicking on ‘ten ways to a better love life’. I also did not anticipate moving to the top of Yahoo and Google search engines in a matter of weeks. Or to have over a hundred visitors to my blog in less than two weeks.( I use no SEO software. But, you can type in cynical psychic on Google or Yahoo and I am number three---I think.)
It was this situation, which led me to my current dilemma, I have had several e-mails from readers of my other blog suggesting I break up my serious opinions and comical rants. So the question arose, do I change the tempo of the Cynical Psychic from its satirical tone, or do I start another blog and continue to use Cynical Psychic as a medium (pun intended) to crack wise about the vagaries of the pseudo-sciences of psychic prediction and astrology?
The answer for me was obvious--- start a second blog. Therefore, I am pleased to welcome my readers to the Punch Drunk Pundit. My second attempt at blogging.
Here I intend to apply a professional tone to my blog, a more serious tenor for the more staid topics on my mind. So, if you are looking for wiseass remarks on the state of Lindsay Lohan’s lack of undergarments. Or the universe of idiocy that seems to surround Paris Hilton might I suggestion heading back to the Cynical Psychic for a good laugh. However, if you are interested on my libertarian-minded take on current events, politics, religion, and business then welcome aboard. If you clicked here by mistake, stick around or at least click on an ad so I can make a penny off you.

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